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Ecobricking – The great wall of West Malvern!


On the May bank holiday weekend, with the forecast looking sunny, I spent a relaxing few hours teaching myself how to make cob and then using ecobricks to build a small wall in my garden. Unfortunately, the forecast changed, and it rained the next day but luckily, I’d covered the wall, so it survived though bits are still drying out now, several weeks later, as the weather has been unseasonably cold and wet. Also unfortunately, nobody else was able to join me as they were all doing normal Bank Holiday activities like visiting the Well Dressings, not squelching around making cob with their feet! Despite this, it remains one of the most relaxing and satisfying days I’ve spent in quite a while… Certainly very satisfying to see all those ecobricks being made into something useful!

I couldn’t have achieved this nearly as quickly without help from a couple of Malvern ecobrickers who between them made about half of the 17 ecobricks I used. Everyone who has attended an ecobricking workshop is invited to our monthly ‘Brick and Natter’ sessions. Over a coffee people can share eco friendly ideas and get to know like-minded people. Some of the group now have building projects in mind and others are beginning to make ecobricks towards these. I’m hoping this Summer I can share how to make cob and we can start to build structures which will not only be useful but will have kept kilograms of sequestered plastic out of the biosphere.

The finished product!

All photos by Alison Winters

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