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From tiny acorns grow mighty oaks...

...and from tiny seeds grow courgettes, tomatoes, runner beans and much, much more...

Our first community seed and plant swap this year was a great success!

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this event. We had a fantastic turn out and people brought along all sorts of plants and seeds, including some unusual varieties that we are looking forward to growing on ourselves. Many expert gardeners attended the event, bringing lots of useful and interesting gardening knowledge, as well as seeds. We had many donations and also plenty was taken.

We are very grateful to Food For Life, who made a donation which helped us to run this event. We plan to hold more of these events through the growing season - keep your eye on our Events page!


What we have left over, we are planning to catalogue and list so people can access the seedbank at anytime. We are really hoping to develop this into a bigger project and run monthly swaps so people can also exchange seedlings as the season progresses. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch. It is our vision to establish the community seedbank as a useful and ethical, sustainable resource for all to use. As well as giving seeds and plants, we would also like to encourage people to save their own seeds too. The seed-bank is FREE but we ask that you commit to putting it into the bank as well as taking from it.


Our food chain is currently on a knife-edge, more so now than ever before. There are many reasons for this, including the rise of commercial seed suppliers, the environmental cost involved in growing and transporting food and how this translates into us being able to provide ourselves and our families with fresh, nutrient-rich food. Farmers worldwide are now growing on dead soil and are being put under increasing pressure themselves. Seed is one of our most valuable resources as a species and people have been collecting seeds for hundreds of years. Not only does it put control of the food supply into the hands of the people, so we can grow our own food, it also means we can maintain genetic diversity and provide organic, open-pollinated seed that is well suited to our own environment- which will be crucial as the climate breakdown makes commercial food production increasingly unstable.

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