We are the Blackberry Permaculture Network, we are an informal not for profit network based in various locations around the UK exploring aspects of permaculture including
ways of gardening and creating sustainable, inclusive, happy communities. It was our
pleasure to recently attend the Veg swap event organised by Malvern Green Space with
whom we will be working closely with in the future. It was wonderful to chat with many
local people about the issues close to our hearts and how we are hoping to develop our
work in the Malvern community, in accordance with the interests of local people who
would like to get involved. It was also wonderful to discover on chatting to people that
many of you also share our passions about community and the environment.
So I guess the burning question is 'What is Permaculture?'
"Permaculture is a method of planet management that tries to emulate the natural ecosystems of the planet, to work with nature rather than seeing her as an enemy that must be subdued". - Ken Fern, Plants for a future
Permaculture (from permanent agriculture and permanent culture) is a successful
approach to designing sustainable environments that have the diversity, stability and
resilience of natural ecosystems while also providing for the needs of the people who
use them. It is based on the philosophy of cooperating with nature and caring for the
earth and its people. Holding the ethics of Earth care, people care and fair shares.
In brief, because every place on earth is different in local climate, landform, soils and
the combination of species that will thrive there, this globalized village needs localised
solutions. Not only does the land and its potential vary from place to place, but so too do
the local people's needs, preferences and capabilities. Every place and community then,
requires its own particular design. The all important thing in permaculture is the design.
Design tools and processes allow an individual or group to assemble conceptual,
material and strategic components into a pattern or plan of action that can be
implemented and maintained with minimal resources and toil.
As a group we will be attending more events with Malvern Green Space because our
aims are closely aligned, the objectives we are currently focusing on are:
Holding workshops, skill sharing and networking events.
Networking with other groups who hold similar interests.
The development of local seedbanks to be used as a future resource and address such
issues as seed/food sovereignty and health, we also hold plant swaps.
To help with the creation of local social enterprise including our own and provide
support and advice, which will in turn help to create a strong, sustainable truly green
local economy.
The creation and development of a Permaculture open source database both physically
and online for people to access and also contribute to.
To help and promote permaculture/sustainability research. Including the exploration of
alternative, reliable and locally produced food. For example alternatives to Wheat,
Maize, Rice and Soy. How growing methods can be improved and growing seasons can
be extended, including the study of alternative native resources eg, Nettles (for food,
medicine and fibre).
We are currently working on establishing local community Herbal projects, studying our
native plants for health and healing, sharing the knowledge and skills to be able to make
food and basic body care products from the bounty around us.
We are available for talks and events, we can also provide workshops on various
subjects and we also take on some practical gardening work giving gardening and
design advice in accordance with Permaculture ethic and principles.
Thank you Malvern Green Space for inviting us. If you didn't make it to this event, we
hope to meet you at another event very soon!